Find u'r Games Here!!

What is my phone RESOLUTION??

You can check your phone resolution right here!


20 April 2011
From now, I'll upload games at

Having trouble downloading from
use this application, Mipony (download from

Having trouble cannot download after passing some advertisement? (Linkbucks)
>After you pass the advertisement from Linkbucks, you will get to Mediafire download link but show some error page
Just copy the Mediafire URL at the address bar (not Linkbucks URL) and paste it on the NEW TAB/WINDOW

or just download from

Happy Downloading, Dudes!!


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Klik berhadiah GalaxyNote 10.1 Jelly Bean

Jadi ceritanya ada kompetisi lagi nih, berhadiah Galaxy Note 10.1
Caranya gampang, cuman klik link di bawah ini (bukan jebakan betmen)


setelah sampai di tkp, kalian bisa login dan nyebarin link nya ke orang lain
simpel aja kan, hehe

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Sesi Voting dbuka, tolong bantu vote ya, thnx bgt
Klo kgk bisa vote, login dulu aja via Facebook / Twitter di pinggir kiri ya
Trus klik VOTE
Bisa login via Twitter jg loh

2. Login via Facebook / Twitter di sebelah kiri (salah satu atau dua2nya klo bisa)
3. Klik di kanan ada tulisan VOTE
4. Selesai dh

thnx ya